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How well does being honest serve us in life?

The plant has two common names, honesty and money plant. These seem diametrically opposed.

I reckon ideas around honesty, money and business are interesting to consider together as they don’t quite sit right.  But why?

I’ve found that there are flower essences which are said to have particular qualities and that honesty essence ‘aligns the mind to the abundance of the universe, thereby lifting consciousness above the negative thought patterns centred around poverty and lack.’


Seed and word collecting


Business breakfast networking

During a business networking breakfast I wore a cardboard badge asking:


What is the most important language?

For a minute and a half I gave out honesty seeds, then stopped and asked what seed it was.  Nobody knew.  I mentioned it was honesty and was asked if I thought it was the most important language. 


'Yes', I replied.

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Word and seed collecting workshop at Ty Pawb, Wrexham during the 2018 Wrexham Open.

Honesty at Morning Abergavenny Networking.PNG

Honesty, live-art intervention at business meeting,

1 minute 30 seconds,


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